Made with Love Auction

Made with Love Auction 2017

Our annual Made with Love auction is live and open for bidding!

To participate, please visit our Made with Love 2017 album on facebook, where you can view the available items and place your bids by commenting on the item. Note that you will need a facebook account.

Made with Love runs from Friday, July 14th through Friday, July 21st, 2017. Bidding closes at 8:00 PM EST sharp! We will then begin contacting the winners through facebook to arrange payment and pickup details.

Made with Love is our largest auction to date, with over 462 items up for grabs! Nearly every item was handmade, and each and every item was donated by our incredible donors. This means that each winning bid goes wholly to funding the care of our dogs.

Meet Oscar!

Oscar ain’t no grouch!  He is one happy and playful puppy.  When he first meets people or dogs out and about, he sometimes barks, but this is short lived when treats are involved and he…

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